Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Best Day IN MUCH Ipoh

SALAM,Hey pun x taw nk cite pe.but kami in house hostel DN 0905 student happy coz our sabahan senior sgt prihatin with kami yg sgt boring stay in house,boring,everyday tgk dinding,exspecially yg stay in college 24 hours like us,so on 22 Dec berfore kami balik utk cuti sem Sabahan Senior bwat aktiviti ni utk kami,mcm2 treasunt hunt,poco danging and such other thing,we all got a lot of fun on that that day,after fininshing the activities some of us go back home for had a holiday for 3 week,and start our NEW sem on january.


HIDUP 125 LC!!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

BYE 2009,WELCOME 2010

salam,olla guys.

ni blog baru aq utk tahun punya target Last year hampir aq capai semuanya,ALHAMDULILLAH,so tahun 2010 confirm everyone ada target dpe sendiri mcm aq jgk,aq gile nk target pointer aq utk sem depan,bukan aq nk kata sem ni aq x just aq agak terkejut skit ngan suasana baru in college,subeject nursing x la berat mana depends dekat students jugak dpe student senang la if x student ambik la hang,hmmm..on 10 jan aq akan pindah hostel baru and 11 jan aq akn start new sem,seriously aq rindu classmates aq semua.coz dh 2 months we all bersama susah senang and aq mula rapat ngan housemates aq,sekepala la kann babeee,seriously special thanks for hubby aq coz selalu ada utk aq ssh and sng,walaupun aq tau dia student jgk.dia ttp fhm aq..and dia mula fikirkan future life dia and now bila cuti je dia start bt part time,bukan baru start la dia bt cam tu,sejak dr last year syg dia ktat2 and dia pun tau 2,seriously kami BAHAGIA.ILOVEU BABY